Category Archives: life

The Lady Room Project

My house is my favorite hobby, and the last six months I’ve been at work on my “Lady Room.” 

One of the bedrooms is very small, and previously we used it as a guest room with a twin bed. I think we had two house guests in the three years we lived there, so it really didn’t get used very much. Pinterest inspired me to display my wedding dress, which led to the idea to turn the spare bedroom into a walk-in closet. 

And it’s FINALLY finished! 

Here’s a before shot. (Yes, that is golf wallpaper border. Ugh). 



And here are my after photos:





I thrifted almost everything in the room. Here’s my grand total:

  • Paint Supplies: $25
  • Shelf Wood and Hardware: $35
  • Baskets: $25 (for all three — 60% off at JoAnn’s!)
  • Vanity Table: $20 at Goodwill (refinished with paint and supplies that were on hand)
  • Vanity Chair: Free from a friend
  • Dress form: $25 on Craigslist
  • Mirror: $40 at Walmart
  • Shoe Curio Cabinet: $100 on Craigslist 
  • Chair: $45 from local consignment shop

$315 Grand Total

I love this room so much. It is nice to start the day getting ready in my own space with no dude stuff in the way! And I love getting to see my wedding gown everyday. It’s so much nicer than stuffing it in a closet for all eternity. I have couple more small things to add — some hooks for inside the small closet (not pictured) to hang bags and belts. I may add a few small pieces of artwork to the walls, but I really enjoy the clutter-free look, so that’s only if I find something I can’t live without. 

Five Promises

The last year and a half have been something of a journey for me. I’ve spent most of my life as an anxious, up-tight, nut job. And that’s putting it nicely.

Slowly, I’ve attempted, sometimes unsuccessfully, to find some peace. To be centered, focused, and relaxed. It isn’t easy. I come from a line of worry warts, and I have a tendency to follow the plan. Follow the Plan. Exactly. And any deviation throws me into a tailspin.

At the MSU Horse Teaching and Research Facility

Doing something that brings me a little peace: Visiting the horse farm at MSU. Photo by Shelby Rodriguez.

So, for my health, for my relationships, I’ve tried to learn to relax. It’s not as easy as it sounds. After a lot of reading, thinking, and experimenting, I think I’ve found five things that help. And so I’ve made five promises to myself.

1. Sleep

2. Water

3. Walk

4. Meditation

5. Real Food

I am more successful at some more than others during any given week, but the point is to just keep trying.

Which has led me to think a lot about this blog. It’s basically a ramble of my random thoughts. Given my career choice and priorities in life, I would like to hone the focus of my writing to something that will help me learn, grow and become a better version of me. (Thanks, Fiona).

So, while I still have some thinking to do, my goal here is likely to change. I’m taking it one step at a time and we’ll just have to wait and see where this leads.

You Reap What You Sow


Today someone told me that you reap what you sow.

My husband actually says it is the Bliss family motto.

I tend to agree. I believe in karma, what goes around comes around, and giving as much as you get.

I am not a perfect person. I worry, complain, and get angry. But in the end, those who matter most weather the storms, and that can only be because the seeds we planted were strong.

I am blessed every day, in so many ways.

I am married to someone who feels like home. That is a love not easily broken.

My parents, married 33 years, still live in the house I grew up in. There is nothing more comforting than coming home.

I have the best, most beautiful, smartest two best friends I could ever ask for. They know every detail of my life and still love me. And I love them for that.

I have a steady job doing work that challenges me and fuels a passion for food and technology (an incredibly odd and fascinating combination).

We live in a little yellow house that we’re slowly turning into our dream home. Some days I sit in our living room and marvel at how far we’ve come. It is truly everything we always wished for.

So, yes, I am reaping what I’ve sown.

I am thankful that the powers that be have held me to a standard of grace, and not perfection. We are all flawed. We are all struggling in some ways. But I know that the love I have invested in my life will be there for me always.

Three Years of Bliss


We got married three years ago today! It was so hot and I was so stressed, I don’t even remember this photo being taken, but it is one of my favorites. There has been a bit of a craziness in the last three years, and I am thankful for our family and friends who were part of our little wedding. I am especially thankful for those who have remained by our side, strengthening our marriage and demonstrating the true meaning of family.

Three years of Bliss and many more to come!